The video on my main gallery page of my solo exhibit, "There, There: Healing Dolls as Solace in an Off Kilter World," January through March of 2019 shows some of my most recent dolls. The video tells the story of many of my dolls in detail and helps you to see them in three dimensions. Several of the dolls have sold. I have tried to note in the gallery which dolls are no longer available.
You can also find me on Instagram and on Facebook. I tend to post daily on Instagram with updates about my dolls, posting progress photos and notes about what I am thinking about in my studio.
Shadow Flip Narratives
Shadow flip dolls are dolls that inhabit that liminal space between worlds. In a sense you could say that all flip dolls are shadow flip dolls, but these were meant specifically to address and begin to integrate those shadow parts that are so easy to want to reject. These could be represented symbolically, such as the Medusa and Octopus doll or could address childhood fears and nightmares, as in the Childhood nightmares dolls.
"Tea time" side of Medusa and the Octopus Shadow Flip doll
Sin Eater side of Guardian of the Guardian of Dreams vs Sin Eater Shadow Flip Doll
"Nightmares" side of Nightmares I Shadow Flip Doll
Mary Miseracordia side of Mary Miseracordia/Hell Mouth Shadow Flip doll
Black Lives Matter Shadow Flip Doll
Maisie/Ernestine, Homage to N. Street Village, Shadow Flip Doll-this doll has sold