Welcome to Transformative Healing Dolls BLOGMore or less monthly posts about Transformative Healing Dolls
Learning new materials and techniques: Over the last month, I have started a new journey which has meant learning about new techniques and new materials. These include how to make medieval style images of clothes, landscapes, animals and more. And learning how to paint with goache. So there has been a pretty steep learning curve for me. This is a project I have been wanting to do for a long time now but haven't been able to because of the two grant projects I was working on. I have been spending more concentrated time in my studio, and less interaction with the outside world-which has its pluses and minuses. I am so happy to be finally seeing this project come into reality. At the same time, I do miss spending time with people doing things such as the Flip Doll Project. The Kalili Project Many years ago, even before I learned to felt, I created a series of dolls and then wrote a novel about the story of these dolls, called Kalili's Journey. I had been wanting to illustrate this story for a long time but now, with this hiatus between big projects I have some open ended time to work on it. I will share with you some of the first panels. Eventually there will be twelve. Each is a triptych with a central scene in the middle and two supporting scenes on either side. Then my next plan is to figure out a way to translate these panels into fiber, either stitched or felted or some kind of combination of the two. But first the twelve painted panels. Here are some images from what I have so far. I have also been posting on Instagram as part of the 100 day project #100dayproject on Instagram if you want to go look it up-not too late to join!) as a way to inspire myself. The idea is to post each day an image of a 100 day project that you are working on. This is going to take more than 100 days but it is a start. Before I even started making these panels, I spent a couple weeks painting directly from medieval images that I found on Pinterest, a great resource. Below are some examples of these first efforts. There are so many things I love about these medieval illuminated manuscripts. I love the use of gold, the idiosyncratic ways that people and animals are depicted, not to mention the very creative sense of perspective. This has all inspired me in my art for a long time. I was interested in looking at the way each image is framed and from looking at these images, I decided that each of the twelve triptychs of my story would have a frame that matches the theme of that part of the story. Good news about the Jackson Art Center-we have a new lease!
I also want to share the good news about the Jackson Art Center where I have a studio and have been spending most of my time this year. I don't know if you remember that we have been trying to get our lease extended. Back last summer I went with several other JAC artists to testify on behalf of the center. Well, we have heard that we are getting a new lease for 20 years! It does involve a significant rent increase with annual increases but it is a lot less that we had originally feared. Up until recently I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to stay there but now it looks like I am going to be able to. Spring 2018 Open Studios To celebrate this lease extension and also my new project, I invite you to our twice annual Open Studios at the Jackson Art Center. This year the Open Studios are Sunday, May 6th from 12-5. Hope to see you there! PS: The image on the post card above is a detail of an image by JAC artist and friend, Sherry Kasky.
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ErikaI've been making dolls for about ten years now. I believe that dolls serve as representations and reminders of the best part of ourselves. I am excited to share with you here my learnings about new methods and techniques for doll making and healing. So glad you are here! Categories |